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The Million Mile Award: Honoring Exceptional USPS Drivers

Connecticut District Manager David Mastroianni and Carrier Michael Yannielli

Award Recognizes Safe Driving

If top achievements earn entertainers and scholars prestigious awards, what honors do accident-free professional drivers receive at the U.S. Postal Service®?

Postal drivers operate more than 213,000 vehicles throughout the country as the world’s largest civilian fleet. Theirs is the challenge, these drivers face hazardous road conditions, gridlock, uneven terrain and inattentive drivers seven days a week. Something only professionals behind the wheel know how to handle.

The Postal Service™ joins with the National Safety Council to induct a select group of these drivers — who deliver on safety every day — into the Million Mile Club.

“Club status” means that the revered Million Mile Award is rewarded to letter carriers, rural carriers and truck drivers, men and women, who have a safe attitude that entails driving for one million miles or 30 years without a preventable incident. They receive a plaque which bears the Million Mile Club emblem, the NSC logo and an engraved personalized nameplate.

Vermont Carrier Terry Morse

Here are driving tips these alert drivers have to share:

Anticipate what the other driver is going to do.

Take the time to use your mirrors.

Turn off mobile devices when driving — no cell phones or texting.

Imagine a traffic cop on your shoulder observing your driving.

Pay attention to what is going on around you.

Be courteous, use turn signals and obey all laws.

NH Carrier Robert Krzesinski

Nationally, postal drivers log more than 1.5 billion miles annually while delivering to more than 157 million homes and businesses in every city, suburb and town in America.

The Postal Service believes in recognizing our employees’ safe and attentive behavior. USPS began participating in the National Safety Council’s Million Mile Club and Safe Driver Award program in 1972. A Safe Driver certificate is also given to eligible drivers who are accident-free for from one year up to 45 years.

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.


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